Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Another Year Over, A New One Almost Begun...

It has been forever since I have posted.  Things have been crazy, hectic and busy and I have forgotten how much I enjoy writing.  Since I last posted, a few things have changed:

Jeff proposed!  We got engaged on Sunday, November 20th in front of about 50 friends and family.  He did it in style, with Engine 23, full bunker gear and the most gorgeous ring I have ever laid eyes on.

We set a date!  We will be getting married on Friday, October 19th, 2012 at 7:00 PM.

We booked a venue! Our ceremony and reception will take place at Lakeside Reception Hall, right on Lake Fairview.

I found a dress!  I found the perfect dress (and well within my budget!) at David's Bridal.  It will allegedly arrive in April, but I was told it will likely arrive sometime after the New Year.

With our impending nuptials, and a general desire to be healthier people, Jeff and I are going to partake in the Engine 2 "Diet" to start off 2012.  While we will not go entirely vegan (probably will get in some lean animal protein 2-3 times a week), we like the idea of a whole foods diet and just need some instruction on how to approach it.  I am having labwork done on Friday and I plan to have it done again at the end to see the difference in my weight, cholestrol, TSH and other labs.  I'm getting excited and hoping this is something with which we do well and stick to.  We want to look and feel our best for our big day and to start off our new life together!

I will definitely post more about the upcoming adventures for 2012!  Happy New Year!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

It's Been Awhile...

It's been a little over 2 months since I last posted - did not mean for that to happen!  In that time, I took my final exam for Principles of Selling and took a Microeconomics class in less than 6 weeks, somehow finishing the class with a 101% average and earning 100% on the final.  Boy am I glad that's over!  Economics is not my thing; and I never thought I would read an entire textbook in less than a month and a half.  Now I am taking a break for the Fall semester so I have about 7 months of no textbooks (yay!).

I've been thinking this morning about how incredibly blessed I am, and how excited I am for the future.  While not yet 100%, I am feeling much better since surgery in September, I have a good, stable job with decent pay and great benefits, an amazing boyfriend, and I now have 4 adorable nephews and a niece, plus my sweet little godson Riley Benjamin.  Amber gave birth to Clayton Thomas on Friday, June 24th and he is beautiful!  I'm very happy that the birth of her son has brought her into my life again and she has persevered from her struggle to have a relationship with our dad's family.  She was around him the most out of the three of us girls and I know it was difficult for her after he passed away.  I still can't believe it's been 3 years already.

It looks like July is going to be a busy and fun-filled month!  I need to look at Jeff's and my calendars so we can figure out when we can have our dinner date with Jan and Alex, and we also need to plan one with Stacy and Shawn.  Looking forward to those occasions!  I am especially excited about the surprise trip we are going on the 21st.  Can't wait to see what Jeff has planned :)   

Thursday, April 14, 2011

A Slow Thursday

As busy as I was this morning, today has been dragging by awfully slowly.  I accomplished many things in the first half of the day and can relax and take my time with whatever else comes my way.  Later I will be working on some PDF pages I'm making for the department website; but for some of the pages there is simply not much I can do.  How do you make a description of the wastewater treatment process look pretty and colorful, and not sound disgusting?  You don't.

Thankfully, I can take a breather school-wise for a bit.  I've read the entire textbook, turned in all my assignments and this past Tuesday I presented my final project.  Next week is exam review and the following week is the final.  Then I have a few days off before the Summer semester starts.  I am taking the Fall semester off so I can take care of some things and get some others squared away.  As much as I want to hurry up and finish school, I am really looking forward to the break (and not becoming burned out).

Lots of busy times are coming up!  The boys' birthday parties are next weekend and I just found out Katie's bridal shower is the 30th.  I need to take my dress in to be altered within the next few weeks and boy, do I EVER need to go to the gym.  I am heading there tomorrow after work and I am really excited.  I have about a month and a half before the wedding; so while I don't know how much of a change it will make, I'm going to do what I can as often as I can to trim and tone up.  Hopefully getting some exercise will help speed up my post-surgery nonexistent metabolism and I can take off those last 10 or so pounds in the next few months.  I say months because I know how my body works - there is a reason it took me 2 years to lose 50 pounds.  I've already come farther than I ever imagined was possible; I really just need to work on becoming (and staying!) more active.

Jeff and I have made a deal to start cooking together in May once his classes are over.  I'm not sure what my workload will be with Economics, but that class is over June 20th.  I am looking forward to finding recipes we both like that are healthy and yummy.  When we find some good ones I will post them.  I need to work a little bit on my eating habits as they have slid downhill somewhat since the holidays.  I've been using my willpower this week to really watch what I snack on and when (especially trying to eliminate sweets - my mom is too good of a baker for my own good).  I plan on doing the Isagenix cleanse hopefully before the wedding; if it doesn't work out that way, I should start right after.  That way Jeff and I can really get into cooking once my class is over ; )

I'm hoping we can do something that at least resembles vacation this summer.  I haven't taken any time off from work in about a year (except for illness and surgery) and I could use a break!  Lots to think about! 

Friday, April 1, 2011

Happy Friday

You know it's going to be a good day when you are sitting on the exam table at the Endocrinologist's office, waiting for the Doctor, and all of a sudden Michael Jackson starts playing through the speakers on the computer next to you.  Add to this the fact that it's Friday and the sun has finally come out after two days of nonstop rain, and you are being set up for a great weekend.

I went to see Dr. Bourne  before work this morning and had a good appointment.  My TSH is at 0.74 which is pretty much right where it needs to be.  My Vitamin D is good and the B12 is better, but not where it needs to be.  So that means three more months of B12 injections for this little red head.  I'm still feeling a bit symptomatic, but it could very well be due to my body adjusting from surgery.  I really need to work on getting to bed earlier, and I am planning on doing another Isagenix nutritional cleanse soon, so those things should help.  Dr. Bourne told me that the dry skin will take a while to calm down and get back to normal.  Hopefully the warmer weather will help as the humidity levels increase.

I am really looking forward to getting back to feeling like my normal, hormone-stable self.  The second half of 2010 was chock full of blessings (Jaxon and Bear were born, surgery showed that I don't have cancer, and then I met the love of my life [thanks, Emily and Jan!]), and I know that 2011 is the first year of the rest and best of my life.  I am so grateful for my nephews, they radiate so much joy.  And as for Jeff, to quote Dave Barnes, "there's more here than what we're feeling... a Divine conspiracy."  He makes me smile 'til my cheeks hurt and laugh until I can't breathe.  He is becoming the best friend beyond what I could ask for, and when we are together, I am home.  I can't imagine life without him, nor without the people who have become a part of my life because of him.  I am also extremely blessed by the wonderful ladies in the Women's Bible Study I was invited to join last year.  I would not have been able to keep a positive outlook on many things without you girls!

The future holds so much and there is potential for many great things to come.  I am learning how it feels to be truly happy and spiritually fulfilled and I pray that I can carry this positivity to all aspects of my life.  To whomever may be reading this, thanks for joining me on the journey.           

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Starting Anew

It's been a long time since I've written in a blog.  I cancelled my My Space account well over a year ago and I hadn't made an entry into that blog in who knows how long before I cancelled it.  After reading Emily's blog, I was inspired to start a new one.  I decided to call it The Endocrine Files because the past nearly 3 years have been very much affected by my thyroid and the discovery of Hashimoto's Disease

While I try not to let thyroid problems control my life, I have to be cognizant of them as an autoimmune disease patient.  I am looking forward to the day that this post-surgery  TSH roller coaster reaches the end of its track and my hormone levels are stable again.

I will use this blog as a sanctuary to talk about the good, the bad and the ugly; but as an optimist I am hoping it will mostly be about the good.  I didn't realize how much I have missed writing until I sat down and began typing this first entry.  I'll keep it short just in case we lose power again amidst this massive thunderstorm.  Hopefully Jeff's classes are inside today and this blows over before he heads to the station for the last half of his shift.